Trinidad Lake Asphalt (TLA) is a unique bituminous, naturally occurring material, which provides, performance – enhancing properties to binders and Hot Mix Asphalts (HMA) in the asphalt.
Behaviour: Trinidad Lake Asphalt (TLA) is considered to be a thermoplastic (viscoelastic) material. At ambient temperatures, it is actually a semi-solid or can be solid or can be classified as a gel-sol but appears completely solid on initial observation. However, if left outdoors, at ambient tropical and sub-tropical temperatures, it will slowly change shape and occupy the area in which it is kept.
The mineral presence Provides Improved Resistance to skid and imparts stiffness to the binder.
The presence of the mineral material allows for a reduced amount of “fines” to be added in the generation of the Job Mix Formula (JMF) of the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA).
Advantage of Using TLA
TLA Uses:
Trinidad Lake Asphalt (TLA) is packaged in 230kg fibre-board or steel drums and shipped internationally in 20’ and 40’ containers.